By using the trick of dating the rate, you can marry the home you’ve always wanted.

Marry the house, date the rate. It’s the end of summer 2022, moving into fall. Everybody knows that interest rates have gone up significantly. Mortgage interest rates have doubled in the last three to four months, meaning the cost of borrowing money to buy a home has actually doubled. Many people are freaking out, and thinking they won’t buy now. One of the things that we’re really teaching is that you marry the home—the home where you want to raise your kids in and or grow old as empty nesters—and date the rate.

When you move into a home and get a mortgage, understand you’re not trapped in that interest rate forever. If today’s rates are 6% plus, and let’s say they fell to 5.5%, you have the opportunity to refinance. Most of our great lenders around town, especially the ones we work with, will do a pretty low to no-cost refinance for you with very few fees.

However, here’s the challenge: Many folks are not going to move their family. They will stay stuck in an apartment, a condo, a townhome, or a house that’s wrong for them because they’re not sure if these rates are good. Historically, that’s a great rate. It just feels high compared to 2.9%.

As I mentioned previously, marry the home you want to be in for the next five to 10 years, then date the rate. Refinance if and when the rate goes down. There are five times as many homes for you to look at right now as there were six months ago. It’s incredible.

If you are thinking about marrying the house of your dreams, let us help you. Reach out to us by phone or email, or go visit our website at We’ll be very happy to help you out.