Why you shouldn’t let higher interest rates stop you from selling

Are you letting your low-interest rate stop you from selling your home? I understand! Today’s rates aren’t as good as what we saw not too long ago. However, I’m reminding you that the decision to move should be based on more than an interest rate. 

Realtor.com recently surveyed a bunch of home sellers and asked them why they sold their homes. 33% of those people said they wanted to make a profit, 32% had changing needs, 30% wanted different features, 27% wanted to live closer to (or perhaps further from!) family or friends, and 25% wanted a smaller home with less work. This shows that when you think about moving, there’s much more to consider than just your next interest rate. 

“Don’t let interest rates stop you from selling your home.”

Today’s interest rates may be higher, but don’t let them stop you—I’ve even purchased two homes in this environment! Therefore, I can help you through this process. If you have any questions, know that there are no bad ones. Maybe you’re wondering about timing the market or converting your home into a rental and buying a new one. Whatever it may be, I have answers for you. 

You can find out more on my website or call or email me today. Know that there’s no obligation to work with me after contacting me. I’d love to help you however I can, and I hope to hear from you soon.